다음은 앞서 논문에서 제시한 주변부 망막이상의 예시입니다.
A. Tuft : Vitreous traction detected at the margin of cystic changes.
B. Impending Operculated Hole : The operculum is elevated by vitreous traction but remains connected to the underlying retinal tissue .
C. Operculated Hole : The operculum is elevated by vitreous traction .
D. Pigmentation : Vitreous traction is seen on the inner surface of clumping retinal pigment epithelial cells .
E. Snail Track Degeneration : Vitreous traction detected at the margin of the snail track degeneration.
F. Lattice Degeneration : A full-thickness retinal break found between the vitreous traction.
G. Epiretinal Membrane (ERM) at the Periphery : Fibrotic membranes extending to the vitreous traction.
H. Retinal Detachment Associated with Lattice Degeneration : Vitreous strands pull the retina from the retinal pigment epithelium without a full-thickness retinal break.
I. Focal Anomaly in a Perivascular Area : A full-thickness retinal break found between vitreous traction.
J. Lattice Degeneration in a Perivascular Area : Vitreous traction is noted.
A. No posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) was observed.
B. PVD was present, with the posterior hyaloid membrane (PHM) detached from the retina.
C. Vitreoschisis was detected, with the PHM still attached to the retina.
D. The vitreous cavity was observed, with the PHM attached to the retina.
E and F. UWF-FP-guided SS-OCT images showed a discrete margin of different retinal reflectivity (DMDRR), with the green line in the UWF-FP image indicating the guide for SS-OCT.
These images illustrate various conditions of the vitreoretinal interface (VRI) at the posterior pole, as evaluated by UWF-FP and SS-OCT.
Ultra-Widefield Fundus Photography (UWF-FP) and Swept-Source OCT (SS-CT) of Selected Eyes with Discrete Margin of Different Retinal Reflectivity (DMDRR), High Corneal Astigmatism (Ka), and Axial Length (AL)
A & B: UWF-FP images of an eye from a 36-year-ld female patient with an axial length (AL) of 24.01 mm and a corneal astigmatism (Ka) of 1.22 D. The 1-year follow-up image (B) shows a decrease in the extent of DMDRR, suggesting the release of abnormal vitreoretinal traction at that specific area.
C, D, & E: UWF-FP, corneal topography, and SS-OCT images of an eye from a 26-year-ld female patient with an AL of 27.09 mm and a Ka of 2.97 D. The images reveal a continuum of lattice degeneration and DMDRR.
F, G, & H: UWF-FP, corneal topography, and SS-OCT images of an eye from a 36-year-old male patient with an AL of 30.32 mm and a Ka of 1.54 D. These images also highlight the presence of lattice degeneration and DMDRR .
These images provide insights into the relationship between axial length, corneal astigmatism, and the presence of DMDRR and lattice degeneration, as seen on UWF-FP and SS-CT. The decrease in DMDRR over time suggests changes in vitreoretinal traction.
Ultra-widefield fundus photography (UWF-FP) and swept-source OCT (SS-CT) images of the epiretinal membrane (ERM) at the periphery. UWF-FP (A) and SS-OCT image (B and C) for an eye with diffuse ERM formation. UWF-FP (D) and SS-OCT image (E and F) for an eye with linear ERM.
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